Prevention is Better Than Cure

Prevention is better than cure. Don’t let your data be held hostage by ransomware

There are a number of things you can do to stop your business being brought to a halt because of ransomware:

Computer compromised by WannaCry

  Have data backups

Make sure you have regular data backups stored in an offline or cloud-based location and that this data is set to read-only.

  Scan and block email attachments

Before any emails hits your user’s inbox make sure it goes through an email hygiene system which scans or blocks certain file types.

  Patch regularly

The latest WannaCry ransomware attack exploited a vulnerability which Microsoft patched three months prior. Patch consistently.

  Scan all internet downloads

Ransomware can be served through malicious websites. Make sure all internet downloads are scanned before reaching your end user.

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